Tuesday, July 14, 2009


So the time has come to go back to work ): And I was not even close to being ready... So their was a very hard decision to make. My self debate... I love my job, it made me feel fulfilled. It was was my career of choice, But I can't leave Sadie.. She needs to be raised by me and not someone I didn't know. So we made the decision...... For me to quit! It wasn't easy for me. But I am thankful for Josh being such a hard worker that we will be able to live our same lifestyle and have me stay home! It has been a true blessing!


bryce and kianna said...

That is great that you get to stay home with her.....and Sadie is adorable. I love her little smile. :)

Tanya said...

it's a hard choice, but one you'll never regret! take it from a stay-at-home mom of 4 years so far. now we can get together during the day! call me. i still wanna see you house.

KaMi and ZaCk said...

YAY no work!!!!

Michele said...

I am so happy for you! Staying home with Sadie will be the most fulfilling job ever. Congrats!!

Emily said...

I think it is so great you decided to stay home...you won't regret it. It's so much fun to be with them each day & watch them grow & be there for every new thing:)
Sadie is absolutely beautiful...just like her mommy!! I love the pics of her!

I'm so sorry you were all so sick. It's scary, isn't it? I'm glad you're all better now & hope things continue to go well for you!!